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About Me

A Passion That Grew

For as long as I can remember I have always had a passion for animals. Even as a little girl I would say I wanted to be a vet so I could help as many animals as possible.

The first time I owned my own horse I had been introduced to a world I had never known existed. Even as a little girl I has a particular passion for them and once I owned one my fascination and affection for the incredible animals grew. They were these huge, powerful and graceful animals that, on the other hand, could become petrified at something as simple as a plastic bag or sudden noise. My dream changed to want to help them overcome this fear, I loved seeing the gears turn in their heads and for them to suddenly go 'oh! I get this!'. I never saw training as having to incite ones will over an animal, but rather to guide that animal to being able to perform these tasks and jobs they are asked to do with confidence. 

During my years of working with both my own dogs and horses, my friends and family members animals, I started to really notice the importance of keeping your animals health up to par. Regular vet visits, a healthy diet and plenty of mental stimulation and physical exercise were extremely important in keeping an animals health up. When I started my studies in college about the muscle system and their biomechanics. I quickly realized that one of the more overlooked parts of our animals health and well being often tends to be within the health of the muscles. As a trainer I need animals to develop strong and healthy muscles all the while being able to keep those muscles in good condition to continue training and growth. If I am to be a responsible trainer I need to think of the entirety of my animals- their bones, joints, mind and muscle. I started to from there want to find ways to help keep my animals from getting sore and fatigues during the rigors of training. This way they will not grow tired of their work and continue to grow in their training without having to take time off to allow muscles to return to a state of health after particularly difficult training runs or strenuous shows. This is where I realized, what better way to help me animals stay fit and healthy in the muscle than sports massage?

My mother was always very big on natural and organic things. I was raised eating as wholesome and organic things. One of the many things she had taught by about were oils and herbs and their amazing abilities to heal and assist in the bodies natural healing process. Massage only seemed fitting as many human athletes are massaged to help bring their muscles back to a normal state after events or heal injuries during physical therapy. With my massage I started to delve back into my knowledge and studies about herbology and essential oils. Working to develop different pet safe blends to make all natural salves, ointments, liniments, shampoos, treats, and pest preventatives.

My goal in life is to help people better understand and communicate with their animals. All the while helping their animals feel as happy and healthy as they can so they can continue to make their humans lives all the better. After all, what if life without your furry companion at your side to share it?

About Me: About Me
About Me: Photo Gallery
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